Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana: The scheme is launched for senior citizens to provide them aids and assisted living devices belonging to BPL category. It was introduced on 1st April 2017. The scheme is fully funded by central government as it is a central scheme. The expenditure on this scheme are met from "Senior Citizens' Welfare Fund". The sole implementing agency of this scheme is - Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO), a PSU governed by Ministry of Social Justive and Empowerment.
Under Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana , physical aids will be provided only to the senior citizens of the nation. It means that the citizens who have attained the age of 60 years will get fre assisted living aids and physical devices which are needed for their sustainabilty. The government has selected the list of cities where the scheme will be implemented.
Who is eligible to apply for this scheme?
The main criteria to avail the full benefits of this Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana is that
- The person must be a senior citizen of India .(aged 60 years and above).
- He/she must belong to BPL family and should have a valid BPL card issued by the concerned authority.
- The person should possess an Aadhar Card or should have applied for Aadhar card and having Aadhar enrollment acknowledgement.
- In case, the person does not possess an aadhar card, any of the specified identity documents shall be acceptable for the purpose of identification.
- Senior citizen who is sufering from age related disabilty/infirmity such as : -
- low vision
- hearing impairment
- loss of teeth
- locomotor disabilty
- The applicant may produce a certificate from the district authority for eligibilty or a BPL ration card or proof of Old Age Pension under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) under the National Social Assisance Programme (NSAP) or any other Pension scheme of the State/UT Goveernment for Senior citizens belonging to BPLcategory.
- The beneficiary must provide a certificate from Medical Officer for loss of vision, hearing impairment, loss of teeth and locomotor disability.
- He/She should not have the received the same sevices free of cost from any Government source including local bodies and public undertakings controlled by the Government during last 3 years.
- In any State/UT, the criteria is for 30 percent women out of total number of beneficiaries.
- The percentage of SC/ST beneficiaries of the scheme shall be equal to or more of their respective percentage of population in the district.
Benefits provided under this scheme: -
- AIDS and assistence devices will be distributed free of cost to the eligible senior citizens.
- If there is a case of person with multiple infirmities or disabilities, the assistive devices will be given in respect of each disablity/impairment.
- Free maintenance of the aids and assisted living devices will be undertaken by ALIMCO for one year.
- Distribution of the devices will be done in Camp mode.
- The Central Government will fully finance the scheme from 'Senior Citizens' Welfare Fund'.
- The average cost of all devices is likely to be Rs. 7,000/- per beneficiary.
Devices provided by ALIMCO: -
The eligible senior citizens is provided with the following Aids and Assisted-living Devices depending upon their physical impairment.
- Walking sticks
- Walkers/Crutches
- Tripods/Quadpods
- Hearing Aids
- Artificial Dentures
- Wheelchair
- Spectacles
- Elbow Crutches
Districts covered
During 2019-20, a total of 326 districts from all State/UTs Administration have been selectd for the implementation of Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana. In 135 districts (as on 25.01.2019), 77 distribution camps have been organised benefitting 70939 senior citizens belonging to BPL Category.
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